Monday, September 9, 2024

BJP, CADC, Holds a Successful Rally on Membership Drive

Kamalanagar, 9th September 2024: The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) in the Chakma Autonomous District Council (CADC) successfully conducted a Membership Drive-2024 rally today at the BJP Office in Kamalanagar. The event was graced by Shri Dr. Numal Momin, Hon’ble Deputy Speaker of Assam, who attended as the Chief Guest, and was chaired by Shri Durjya Dhan Chakma, District President, BJP, CADC.

The rally was followed by a house enrolment drive led by the Chief Guest, who personally engaged with local residents to encourage participation in the BJP’s Membership Drive-2024. The initiative reflects the party's commitment to expanding its outreach and strengthening its base in the CADC region.

During his welcome address, Shri Durjya Dhan Chakma delivered a pointed critique of Shri Rasik Mohan Chakma, CEM, CADC & MLA, Mizoram, in response to recent comments made by the CEM during a public meeting at Longpuighat. Shri Chakma had implied that the recent Delhi tour by Shri Durjya Dhan Chakma and his team was frivolous, likening it to a pointless venture into the jungle.

Shri Durjya Dhan Chakma rebuked these remarks, asserting that a leader of Shri Rasik Mohan Chakma’s stature should refrain from making disparaging comments about efforts made by others to serve the Chakma community. He emphasized that a true leader, regardless of political affiliation, should have the courage to appreciate the good work of others.

In his speech, Shri Durjya Dhan Chakma also expressed concerns over the administrative style of the incumbent CEM, likening it to the totalitarian dictatorship of North Korea’s Kim Jong Un. He criticized Shri Rasik Mohan Chakma for his reluctance to relinquish the CEM position after being elected as an MLA, accusing him of practicing dictatorial politics by attempting to hold onto both posts.

Shri Durjya Dhan Chakma also point out the CEM’s speech at Longpuighat, in which the CEM complained about receiving hundreds of phone calls daily from supporters demanding jobs. Shri Rasik Mohan Chakma had urged voters to refrain from asking for jobs, citing a financial deficit of over ₹70 crores in the CADC, and mentioned that any job vacancies would be advertised if available.

In response, Shri Durjya Dhan Chakma criticized this stance, pointing out that despite the significant deficit, the Executive Committee led by Shri Rasik Mohan Chakma has been regularizing many fixed-pay staff and appointing new employees in various posts without issuing any public advertisements. He questioned the inconsistency of advising the public not to demand jobs while simultaneously making appointments without transparency. Shri Durjya Dhan Chakma argued that such practices only fuel public demand and undermine trust in the administration.

The rally was well-attended by BJP members and supporters, reflecting the growing support for the party in the CADC. The Membership Drive-2024 aims to further consolidate this support as the BJP prepares for upcoming political challenges in the region.

Shri Dr. Numal Momin, Hon’ble Deputy Speaker of Assam and Chief Guest at the Membership Drive-2024 Rally, addressed the gathering and highlighted the poor road conditions in the region, attributing them to a lack of effective leadership. He criticized the previous MNF-led government in the state, under Chief Minister Shri Zoramthanga, as well as the MNF-led District Council in CADC, for failing to maintain and improve the roads. He pointed out that in states governed by the BJP, roads and infrastructure are well-maintained, illustrating the benefits of strong leadership. Dr. Momin Ji urged the people to elect BJP representatives both in the Assembly Election and the CADC Election, asserting that this would usher in a new era of development in the region.

He emphasized that the Central Government, under the leadership of Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi Ji, has introduced numerous schemes for minorities through the Ministry of Minority Affairs and other ministries, which can be easily availed if a BJP Government is formed in the District Council. He called on party Karyakartas to focus on the ongoing membership drive to ensure that the BJP can secure an absolute majority in the upcoming CADC General Election in 2028.

Shri Dr. Momin Ji, Hon’ble Deputy Speaker of Assam, also expressed concern over the four out of five BJP-elected MDCs who left the party, stating that such actions are not in the best interest of the Chakma community. He praised Shri Nirupam Chakma, the lone MDC who remained loyal to the BJP and was rewarded with an appointment as a Member of the National Commission for Scheduled Tribes at the central level. Dr. Momin underscored that such opportunities are available only under the BJP’s leadership, and urged everyone to recognize the benefits of supporting a BJP-led government under the leadership of Shri Narendra Modi Ji.

The rally concluded with a vote of thanks delivered by Shri Tarani Sen Chakma, District General Secretary (Organization), who expressed gratitude to all participants for their dedication and commitment to the party's growth and success.

Issued by: IT/Media, BJP, CADC 

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